Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Fourth Turning

I, like many of you, am a student of life. I seek the truth. I like to call myself a "thinking conservative". I also believe that you can learn more from your enemies than your friends and often read books from a liberal perspective just to challenge myself. But a person should also look to mentors who have gone further than them in a good direction.

One of my mentors, whom I have never met, is Jim Puplava. He is a Catholic. But even more importantly he is a financial commentator who is a portal to me of truth. On his website are countless teachings that will begin to help people learn what is really going on in America and the world today. I am struck more by what the mainstream media is not telling us than what they actually say.

If you click the link above on the title Fourth Turning and view the video excerpt you will begin a journey to what is really going on.

Godspeed and blessing to your journey.

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