Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tom Wood's Nullification inteview with Jim Puplava

From Jim Puplava's website, here is the link to the MP3 interview between Jim Puplava who is one of the best interviewers I have ever heard and Tom Woods, senior fellow at the Mises Institute. A good investment of your time.

In his book, Tom Woods argues that the Founding Fathers believed that nullification was the "moderate middle ground" to protect people from an overreaching federal government. He argues why the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution gives the states the power to nullify unconstitutional laws. And why states - not the Supreme Court - should arbitrate disputes between the states and the federal government over the constitutionality of the federal government's actions.

As Thomas Jefferson said, there is a "rightful remedy" to the federal government's uncontrollable quest for power - it's called nullifation.

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