Thursday, September 9, 2010

Fed up with appeasement

Talk radio has a real lively issue today: the Florida pastor's desire to burn the Qu'ran tomorrow. Judging by the calls I have heard, there is widespread support for this idea. People are tired of what they perceive as our country's kowtowing to muslims. There can be no doubt that Obama is an appeaser, and that he is solidly supported in these endeavors by the dinosaur media, and that a large segment of Americans are fed up with it.


  1. Bob, I don't make a comment to take the other side of this arguement. I am relieved this guy backed down though. Yes, Obama is an appeaser. Yet, the template I see this through is like this. When a small group of Japanese leaders decided to bomb Pearl Harbor, did the US government's response only come against the Japanese government or against the nation of Japan as a whole? This renegade pastor who represents only 50 people would have burned what is to a billion people, their sacred text. This is an attack on a religion and would have caused countless attacks against innocent people. It would be one thing if a suicide bomber would have walked into one their services and blew up the pastor and his 50 followers in retaliation. But you know as well as I that they would have chosen a more shotgun approach to American and to the Christian church. Only when the secularists agree that extremists Islam is the enemy can you have a unified response.

  2. Greg Gutfeld made the parallel between this and building the mosque in the Ground Zero area in NYC. He said that this guy has the right to do this but that it was in poor taste. And so is building a muslim victory shrine two blocks from Ground Zero. But Jones wins, because he backed down once people saw his point. What is funny is that there are several koran burnings on YouTube.
