Saturday, September 18, 2010

Can The GOP Win Graciously?

  I'm seeing a disturbing trend, and maybe you've seen this as well. It seems that it is a forgone conclusion that the Republicans will "take back the House and Senate" this November. And already you can see the wheels turning in their minds as to how they are going to stick it to the Democrats. And I must admit, part of me wants to see the sharks come to the blood in the water. And so, for my part, I realize that there is that impulse for wanting some kind of reckoning and a clear victory that will force people to see things the way I do. Somewhere I read about the heart being so dark that no one can understand it. (Hmm, where was that?)
   And then there comes this still, small voice that says "Will this solve anything or get the country going in the right direction?" And then comes the answer, "Not necessarily." In fact, if things go the way they look like they will, we are looking at the most contentious and difficult two years in history. Think about this with me.
  The presidential election season will begin in earnest next year, and with it all the negative rhetoric and name calling that we Americans call debate. We'll also have a two year logger head situation in Congress that will frustrate the public and exasperate those in office. The forecast is cloudy, with a chance of storms of frustration. What to do? This all seems inevitable.
   I have an idea. How about on November 3rd, we have a humble assembly acknowledging that things are difficult, and that real people are really suffering in real ways because of the real hard times we are having. Think of this like receiving the most votes for your party on the eve of a great battle that you knew would not go well, something like Winston Churchill becoming PM in Britain in the shadow of WWII.
  Yes, the Republicans are going to do well in November. And now I ask the question rarely uttered: "To what end?" What strong, unifying vision do we offer the people? What actual plans do we have that will turn things around and bring strength and honor back to our civil life and public discourse. Can the GOP win graciously, and unify people behind them and help prepare them for the difficult times ahead? I hope so.


  1. Oh yeah, now I remember:
    Jer. 17:9 “The heart is deceitful above all things,
    And desperately wicked;
    Who can know it?

  2. Ronald Reagan was the last man to come close to unifying the country behind a vision of greatness. Despite the fact that he won reelection in a landslide, the lamestream media and leftist elitists from academia never missed a chance to attempt to put his ideas and actions in the worst light imaginable. That will surely happen again to whomever emerges as our new leader.
