Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Meet Elena Kagan?

I rarely deliberately and seriously quote NPR, but here we go. President Obama's new nominee to be on the Supreme Court is named Elena Kagan. And that is just about all the media knows at this point. Even those who would be inclined to prefer any Obama nominee are saying, "Who?". And it is even harder to deduce what exactly Ms. Kagan believes.
   NPR quotes:"So elusive are her opinions that legal thinkers — both liberal and conservative — repeatedly ask the question, "What does Elena really believe?" Said one of her former Harvard colleagues, an avowed fan, "Elena is the single most competitive and most inscrutable person I have ever known."
  She worked as an advisor to the Clinton administration, then went on to be the Dean of Harvard's Law School, where she took her one publicly known stance, that of being extremely against the "Don't ask, don't tell"policy concerning gays in the military. Like her appointer, she has never done the thing she is being asked to do, namely, be a judge. No experience? No problem. Apparently Mr. Obama's only requirement for service is loyalty to himself and his agenda.
  "Hiring now for Judicial lifetime appointment, NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY."

1 comment:

  1. Your comments are apt.

    I heard on Rush that one of her closest allies tells this personal anecdote about how focused she can be. More than once she has been known to go into her office at night, leave the keys in the car, the car running; because she went inside and worked all night on some work-related issue.
