Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Coalition On Revival - A Worldview Resource

I have relied upon certain people's efforts very much and would like to highlight one once in a while, so that more people know of their great work. The Coalition On Revival was started by Jay Grimstead .

In 1984 God led Dr. Jay Grimstead to call together 112 national Christian leaders to form a united, spiritual army willing to help mobilize the Body of Christ around four tasks:
  1. To rally around the “mainstream basics” and create
    17 Biblical Worldview Documents which would outline the Church’s biblical tasks in various areas of life such as law, government, economics, education, the media, science, the arts, and outline a biblical view of evangelism, discipleship, helping the hurting, pastoral renewal, and so on.
  2. To hold up the inerrant Bible as a plumb line by which to measure ourselves and the Church and to hold each other mutually accountable to live in obedience to that Bible in the belief that the Lordship of Christ and Matthew 18:1 5-17 are non-optional for all Christians.
  3. To function as a “united catalyst” and model by which the greater Body of Christ may be encouraged to operate in practical unity globally and in each local area in ways now considered inconceivable by most Christian leaders.
  4. To offer the Church-at-large models, pathways, plans, and documents from our consensus wisdom about how to impact every area of life with the Biblical Worldview as stated in these consensus documents. We can thus begin rebuilding our civilization on the principles of the Bible as a united, spiritual “Allied Army” of Christian leaders from every denomination and organization which cares to unite in such an effort.

    The COR website has some great material on it, including papers detailing a Biblical Worldview for Law, Government, Politics and Sociology, Education, Economics, Arts and media and many other such documents, which are available to download in pdf format. The most helpful of these documents is one entitled "42 Worldview Essentials," which is a great list of essentials of a Christian Worldview. So go check out what they are saying and teaching and support them the best way you can!

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