Did you hear Rush Limbaugh talk about his recent wedding? I believe it is in the back of his mind to consider running for President. His beautiful wife is an experienced "event planner." She planned every aspect of their wedding, including inviting Elton John to perform. Mr. John has been the target of incredible hatred from the left for daring to "build a bridge."
A tribute to Mr. Elton John, and a reminder to all of us: "You'll be blessed." We are blessed by the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. href="">
Oh, and one more thing. Rush, if you do decide to run, I hereby volunteer to be your campaign coordinator in Colorado!
Rush must have read this post, because Monday he talked about how he could never be in politics, because he would always be having to carefully choose his words. Still, I wonder. Who could mount a more forceful rejection of Obama's policies? And, if nobody comes forward, could Rush be content to just stand by and let another McCain-like candidate run against the Dems?
Rush must have read this post, because Monday he talked about how he could never be in politics, because he would always be having to carefully choose his words. Still, I wonder. Who could mount a more forceful rejection of Obama's policies? And, if nobody comes forward, could Rush be content to just stand by and let another McCain-like candidate run against the Dems?