Thursday, May 6, 2010

Unemployment: Hitting men harder than women?

David Wessel writes in today's Wall Street Journal about "The Unemployable Man." He points out that one of every five American men 25 to 54 is not working! Moreover, that trend may continue well into the future. Surveys have found that the "unemployed in the U.S. spend 40 minutes a day looking for work and 3 hours and 20 minutes a day watching t.v." It is not a pretty picture.

Wessel says the situation for women is not as bad. "They were more likely to be in health care and other jobs that were not hit as hard in this recession as jobs that were predominantly filled by men. They are increasingly likely to have the education so often required to get or keep a good job these days."

My stepson is very bright. With what appears to be minimal effort, he can master subjects. The key words there were "minimal effort". My stepdaughter, on the other hand, although also very bright, really puts in the time and effort, and her grades show it. How do we get teenage boys to think "school" learning is cool?

1 comment:

  1. Jim Puplava this past weekend on one of his podcasts had a guest who had an interesting twist on unemployement. Those who made over $100,000, the unemployment was 3%. Those who made under $100,000 the unemployment (from memory here) was over 20%.
