Monday, May 24, 2010

Remember Daniel Pearl, but not like this

This week the President signed into law the Daniel Pearl Press Freedom Act. The Act basically is a commitment to "watch out" for countries that violate freedom of the press, adding an extra couple of questions to a survey of human rights violators.
The new law will require that the State Department’s annual human rights reports on countries to include a description of freedom of the press in each nation and identification of countries where they were violations of press freedom. For countries where there are severe violations, the reports are to determine whether the governments participated or condoned them and what actions they have taken to preserve the safety and independence of the media, and to ensure prosecution of individuals who attack or murder journalists. (WSJ)
Daniel Pearl was a journalist reporting from the Middle East who was kidnapped and beheaded by Khalid Sheik Mohammed back in 2002. His beheading was broadcast via the Internet and literally millions have watched the video. And what do we do in response? Name a weak, toothless law after Daniel Pearl. So with the whole Pearl family and friends gathered, Obama gets yet another opportunity at a press conference while signing the legislation into law. Meanwhile, Khalid Sheik Mohammed sits in jail, with American lawyers at his beck and call and Eric Holder just really chomping at the bit to let KSM have it in a court of law, which is a privilege not afforded to Daniel Pearl. What this all says is, "Watch out you terrorists, or we'll report you to all the watchdog groups we know, maybe even the UN!" I propose a Biblical solution to all of this, that the next close shave  Khalid Sheik Mohammed gets would be the John the Baptist special. He doesn't deserve even that. How is this scum not being dealt with? Where is the collective outrage? Can you hear that? IT'S DANIEL PEARL'S BLOOD CRYING FROM THE GROUND!  

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for seeing through yet another toothless Obama initiative.
