Last Week Comedy Central chose to censor South Park Episode #201 which supposedly depicted the So-called "Prophet" Mohammed in a (gasp!) humorous light. Ironically, the point of the show was that we need to not be intimidated by threats of bullies dressed in any kind of religious, political, or social garb. Comedy Central cow-towed to a group of supposed "terrorists" or "Islamic jihadi fascists," with a website announcement threatening violence to the shows creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker, and others related to the show.
To date, the writers at South Park have skewered Jesus, Buddha, Santa Claus, the Pope and all Catholics, Joseph Smith and all Mormons, L. Ron Hubbard and the Church of Scientology, Richard Dawkins, Satan, every President since Clinton, Michael Moore, Hillary Clinton, Barbara Striesand, the Ku Klux Clan, Jesse Jackson, the entire country of Canada, Space Aliens, the Denver Broncos, the cast of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, and Oprah Winfrey. Honestly, if these and the literally hundreds of other people and groups South Park has lampooned have not killed them yet, then no one else will either.
Comedy Central just gave the enemies of freedom just what they wanted, a reputation of fear and intimidation far beyond their actual ability to carry them out. As the second official news network of the Obama Administration, next to NBC, this is clearly an act of further contrition to foreign power led by the acts of continual apology by our very own President. And so I understand Comedy Central's unwillingness to break ranks with the Obama administration. They were only acting as their leader has shown them.
I think we need to back up Matt and Trey and buy their DVD's, t-shirts, and underwear, and proudly display our support for their right to die at the hands of terrorists in the name of freedom of speech. By the way, wouldn't it be funny if they really did get killed by terrorists? I think they would think so, maybe not at first, but after awhile. Just ask Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter.
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