Thursday, July 22, 2010

Analyst: Apple Earnings Will Surpass Microsoft

You may want to mark today as a turning point in the long-running rivalry between Apple and Microsoft. The Cupertino, Calif. company will likely emerge from Microsoft’s shadow, earning more revenue this quarter than the software giant, according to an independent analyst.

“It’s likely that Apple will have surpassed Microsoft in revenue for the first time in the company’s recent history – and that it will continue to do so in the future,” Andy Zaky writes at AppleInsider. Tuesday, Apple announced $15.7 billion in quarterly revenue. Microsoft is expected today to announce $15.26 billion in revenue, according to Zaky.

That gap will widen when the two companies announce earnings for the upcoming September financial quarter. Apple is expected to announce $18 billion in revenue while Microsoft should report $15.16 billion, he added.

Apple should remain in the lead for revenue for the full 2010 and 2011 financial years. Zaky expects Apple will earn $81.6 billion in 2011 – $11 billion ahead of Microsoft’s expected $70 billion in revenue.

This is a good day for all of us diehard Mac-heads. I stuck with Apple computers all through the 90's, even in the long ago dark days of the Jobs-less Apple, and have cheered for Apple all of these years. I stayed with the Mac and was an early adopter to the iPod. And while Mac fans are truly loyal, some would even say cultic, I am still proud to be named among them. Top of the heap sounds and feels good for a change. It was a long way coming. Congratulations Apple! What's next?    

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