Saturday, June 12, 2010

A Wanderer From Islam With A Message for the West

A fascinating and haunting and short article about a woman, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who as a former Muslim has a story to tell. Here is good comment on Liberals in America from her vantage point. Much more in the enclosed article on the link above.

From the Globe and Mail, author Margaret Wente quotes Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

"Why are so many liberal intellectuals, social democrats and feminists so silent on the more noxious features of Islam - the fierce intolerance toward unbelievers, the repression of individual freedom, the routine abuse of children, the misogyny, the forced subservience of women? "'Its the seduction of totalitarianism, '" she says. In her view, Western defenders of Islam are the intellectual heirs of those highly intelligent men and women who used to heap praise on Comrade Stalin. "'It's a blind spot that left-wing intellectuals have always had'".

It's a short but brilliant article the sums up the intellectual wreck that left wing thought brings to the world and the dangers of giving in to those Muslims who want to enforce sharia law.

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