Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Connection No One Sees Is The Most Dangerous

I have been pouring through the reports on the Sestak bribe situation pretty thoroughly the last week or so and have been really amazed at the level of "so what?" attitude I have seen, particularly in the media. The reporters and pundits all seem to be very jaded about the whole deal. They just say, cynically, "that's the way it gets done these days. Deal with it!"
The very reason I put up the segment from this week's Fox News Watch was to document this hardcore cynicism. Jim Pinkerton, Ellis Hennican, Judie Miller and Cal Thomas, all just sort of laughed off this situation as "politics as usual." Miller quipped that the value to her of the story was Clinton sex appeal! What a joke.
But the real joke is that there is something wrong with this situation. Pinkerton, in his disclaimer statement about the usual politics said something rather telling. He said that even though this is the way things are done all of the time, that it never gets reported, even though it is a felony! So, the former White House staffer does know the law after all. As has been quoted all throughout the internet, there are serious laws on the books that provide for jail time and fines for just this kind of misbehavior. Pinkerton did say that it probably would be taken more seriously if it had happened in a Republican administration. Well, here's my word for that: moral relativism. A thing is wrong or right depending on whether it suits my definition today. If "everybody does it" that makes it alright, right? Well, if that were the case, then what else might we do for that very reason. I will say it again, if the media can't tell if something is wrong or not, or rather that they look the other way when it's convenient for them, then we have a need for some real reform. Perhaps Fox News is "fair and balanced" but it is not above the law or above the true, objective moral principles that govern the world and everything in it. Perhaps they are beginning to believe their own "press," so to speak. Maybe in sitting in judgment over the other media elites, they are beginning to lose any moral sense of right and wrong. I asked in a previous post where the outrage is in media these days, and I think I know. It has been traded for the souls of those who will sell out to the enemy of the truth. With moral relativism firmly entrenched in the media, where else can it go but into the homes and hearts of America. With Obama leading the charge, we'll just follow like blind sheep when we are told that "everybody does it" and people are jailed or imprisoned for nothing, and then real enemies are ignored in the name of political correctness. Where are those who will have integrity because it's the right thing to do. That'd be something novel, wouldn't it? Why? Because right and wrong went out with the tide back in the sixties.
I have an interesting idea. Let's throw all of the bums out. Not just the Democrats, with their smug "I-know-what's-best-for-you" attitude, or the Republicans with their "I'm-not-responsible-for-the-financial-mess-and-bloated-corpse-of-an-economy" ignorance. How about the left and right media, who are just out for ratings and cash and have had their hearts seared by the culture of corruption that is "mainstream." Even the ones crying out for real change and even revolution deserve to come down a notch from the pedestal they have put themselves on. Let this be the notice you were not hoping for but knew would come some day. You can stop paving the road to hell now with the hard earned gold that honest people have been handing you, and you can start living a life of integrity and declare a message that leads to true freedom with responsibility, which back in the day they used to be called "liberty." I would rather be told I have a disease and live with the consequences than live under what the politicians call "wisdom" which is really morally relativistic psycho-babble. The truth would be a strange change of strategy that would probably bring the real hope we all desire.  Who will tell us the truth?

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