Tuesday, August 9, 2011

God's Attributes And Acts Prove That He Can Be Trusted #1 - God: the Prequel

God:the Prequel - before Creation, there was God

    The book of Genesis begins with the words, "In the beginning God..." And in this phrase you have the very ultimate beginning of beginnings, the ultimate starting point. There actually was a zero point in the time-space continuum that was zero seconds, zero minutes, zero hours, and zero days. And then, bang!, the clock began ticking. History began. The possibility of all possibilities, life on planet earth, and everything else kicked off. And here is where you have the answer to all of those humorous reductio absurdum arguments. The ultimate cause of all causes began to cause causes. The scripture says that God spoke and then things began. The word that describes this awesome event in history is "creation-out-of-nothing", also known as creation ex nihilo. This is the declaration of God's intention as Creator.
    One phrase to describe God is as "the Intentional One." In fact, God is the very embodiment of intentionality. In the book of Isaiah, God says of himself,"I am God, and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning,..." (Isaiah 46:9&10). Did you catch that? In the business and manufacturing world they call this critical path analysis. This is a process of planning from the result back to the cause or project purpose. For example, an architect imagines a unique building, draws up the final idea,  and then works backward to the point of ground breaking on the project. This is exactly how God planned life, the universe , and everything.
    There is a hint or two in the Bible that God did things and planned things even before the creation. There are scriptures that say that God intended to do things like redeem and save people, "before time began" or before the foundations of the world."
So as in the the above example of God declaring the end from the beginning, there is the statement of David,"Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them." This implies a deliberate plan on the part of God to create the unique person named David who was a shepherd boy and became a KIng. It is said of Jesus that "He is before all things, and in Him all things consist, "(Col.1:17) and "He indeed was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you."(1Pet. 1:20)  And while these scriptures speak of several things, in this case they speak of a God that was, and is, separate and apart from His creation, and exists outside and within it. I once heard a preacher say, when speaking off the cuff about the Big Bang, that before there was anything, there was nothing and that then "God spoke and Bang!, it happened!" So God was there before the worlds began. In the beginning there was God.

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