Monday, November 15, 2010


Dennis Prager explains "the middle east problem" concisely.
Via Theo Spark


  1. I like Dennis Prager. But he glosses over several indiscretions of Israel. They are a brutal regime, and commit atrocities against Christians and Muslims on a daily basis. I recommend you see the recently released DVD called "With God on Our Side" to see a different and more true representation of the Middle East.

  2. Thank you, Lancer. I wish you would say more about this.

  3. Bob, this is too big a subject to just comment on. This is a worldview question. I have no problem with the existence of a Jewish homeland, Israel. But the entire context by which the modern state of Israel was created was a disaster for everyone in the area. There is a huge divide in the Christian church about how to relate to Israel and the Jews. The evangelical right, especially those in the dispensational camp believe the Jews have their own covenant with God, don't need Jesus, and because they went throug the Holocaust, don't have to play well with others and can committ large numbers of atrocities against Christians, Muslims and Palestinians with no due process because they are "God's chosen people". I am in the camp the the vast majority of Christians that the Jews must come to Jesus in order to remain in "God's chosen people". Further I believe they must obey the UN resolutions passed that they return the occupied territories and must play well with others. Again, this is a big question and requires much study and prayer and is a worthy subject. I have read and reread the book of Acts this year and cannot find a singe scripture that encourages Jews to remain in their current state, but has the same message: "Repent, that your wickedness may be washed away and you be saved from this wicked generation", the same message for every human being.
