Thursday, May 12, 2011

The Modern Black Hole of Moral Clarity

    The news services around the world are reporting a verdict in the case of John Demjanjuk, a feeble 91-year old man now, once tried in Israeli court as being an infamous guard at the Treblinka death camp, but later found not to have been such.  He had been sentenced to death. Now, again he is before a judge and convicted, this time as being a Nazi collaborator serving as a prison guard at the behest of the Nazi SS. A card bearing some information that he was attached to the Sobibor prison camp in Nazi occupied Poland was the main piece of evidence against him. He is convicted and and sentenced to something like time served, five years prison.
     The truth of the atrocities done in the name of progress and the evolution of the human race during the time of Nazi Germany shocked a morally sleeping world into a new sense of the ability of men to be inhumane to other men. Movements have come and gone since then, trying to make right the wrongs of such pure evil, inconceivable to most of us. But... it was just such lack of moral clarity that led to the camps and prisons and "rehabilitation centers" like the Hadamar "clinic"  in Germany in WW II. The Americans came in and found these "camps" and "clinics" and found dead bodies stacked like cordwood and the evidence that the Germans even took the gold fillings from the teeth of the dead to sell for the future of the glorious Third Reich. This is clear and pure evil, no doubt.
    But... could it be that we have lost our way from moral clarity and left the path of clear thinking while still prosecuting those, guilty or not, from the last great attempt to deal with the evil of Man. We look back and hunt down old men for things done in the clutches of demonic evil, but still look at ourselves as somehow immune to the same influences today, while large parts of humanity suffer under the same kind of evils across the world, now under the name of Allah and Jihad. What's the difference between creating death camps for the purification and creation of the new super race and killing people in the name of the peace and prosperity of the great religion of peace, Islam? Hitler is gone, but men are still trying to imagine the perfect race of pure humanity. Usama bin Laden is dead, but men are still killing in the name of Allah. These things will continue to go on until we are willing to peer into the modern black hole of the lack of moral clarity that is in our own souls.  

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