Monday, August 30, 2010

"Downright Offensive"

After rereading Mark Steyn's America Alone, I have a dream. That dream is that if Republicans regain the White House in 2012, whomever we elect will have the good sense to make Mark Steyn the right hand man of the president. Secretary of Defense would not be bad, either...or, Secretary of State.

By the way, did you hear that Hillary Clinton has reported Arizona to the U.N. Commission on Human Rights? The State Department sent to the U.N. a report on America's record on human rights, and noted that the federal government has taken legal action against Arizona. Arizona Governor Jan Brewer has demanded that Clinton remove the reference to the Arizona anti-illegal immigration law, calling its inclusion "downright offensive."

Anyway, back to Mark Steyn. I don't know anyone who is as knowledgeable about the state of the world as it is, and, more importantly, has the courage to write and speak about it. Mostly, he writes in this book about the threat of Islam, but he also does a lot of writing about the fall of Europe (which he refers to as Eurabia), and the weakening of America (our increasing dependence on entitlements and our loss of individual responsibility and self-reliance).


  1. Can anyone really speak truth to power from within the governing structure? I think is in the perfect place to make the difference he does. Also, he is a Canadian citizen, so is he able to serve on any cabinet level post?

  2. I apologize, Cliff. I thought he had become an American citizen. He seems a lot more of a patriotic American than most Americans. And, you certainly have a point about the difficulty of speaking truth to power within the governing structure.
