Wednesday, August 24, 2011

God's attributes and acts prove that He can be trusted pt 3

God is a Creator

    The God that we are dealing with in the Bible is a Creator. This one act of God creating things seems to Him to be a major point, because whenever He shows up on the scene He reminds us of it. One man in history directly challenged God to an explanation of His ways. HIs name was Job(pronounced like globe with a "J"). God answered with a series of questions that are really just a very creative repeat of "Who do you think you are, buddy?" What He actually said was “Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding" (Job 38:4). What follows is hundreds of similar statements, resulting in Job apologizing profusely and
seeing that his question was a tad bit arrogant in the first place. Job realized that he had stepped over the boundary of proper behavior with God, and that it wasn't appreciated. Now, it turned out alright for Job in the end, but it was touch and go there for a moment. Other people in the Bible didn't do so well when they had a difficult question or circumstance. Cain, the first murderer in the Bible, was one of those people. God even spoke directly to him before he acted wrongly, warning him that he could turn things around if he wanted. So even when God is throwing His weight around, so to speak, He can be merciful. From Genesis 1 to the 119th Psalm, which is the exact middle of the Bible, to the Revelation at the end of the Bible, God is mentioned as and reverenced  as the Creator.  

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