Thursday, September 23, 2010

Best Idea Ever!

So, there you are, you and the other leaders of the Democratic party. You're trying to figure out how to survive this next election and go forward with a half-watt bulb leader and no real vision to speak of. People are not responding to your calls to see your "record of success" in the last year or two, and poll after poll shows nothing but negative, falling numbers. Heck, even Jimmy Carter says his administration was better than this one! "Hmmm...let's see...I've got it! We need a new logo! That old one we had (that nobody remembers) really was lame. Those young people will see this new logo and sacrifice another chunk of their lives to go out on the road and once again spread the good news of Obamunism."

Here it is, America! Behold:
What the heck? Oh yeah, that's the ticket! Bwahahahahahaha! A blue circle with a capital D in the middle. Brilliant! Isn't that United-Nations-we're-here-to-apologize-some-more-so-you'll-like-us-Blue in the D in the middle there? Doesn't that color just put you in the mood to surrender? I haven't seen a better logo since the square peg going through the round hole in Office Space! 
I think I can interpret the "Change That Matters" motto. You see, if you read in between the words here it really says: 
(you don't believe in) 
(we have forced on you without even a fair vote, 
because we still have the majority, 
and nothing you can say about it) 

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